Reason why we do this:
► if we want to switch to a new Template (change a design)...
► if we want to switch to another Blog platform...
► to make sure we don't lose our gadgets (widgets) if something happens...
There are ways of Backing up (saving) your Widgets automatically, but it's always better to back up our Blogger widgets manually. It's a 5 min job. Here are two ways how to do it:
First, type the URL address of your Blog in the browser address bar. When your Blog is opened (homepage), in the browser menu click on VIEW, and choose (or CTRL + U):
SOURCE - for Internet Explorer browser
PAGE SOURCE - for Firefox browser
If you are using Internet Explorer, the SOURCE will automatically open in Notepad. Save the document, name it as you wish.
For Firefox users, it will open in a new window. Copy the PAGE SOURCE code (all of it, using Edit - Select All), and paste it into Notepad, or some other HTML text editor. Save the document, name it as you wish.
Now, your widgets are saved, but they are lost among all that code.....When you'll have to "digg" them out, you should find them starting with this part of code:
Sign in to your Blogger account, then go to: LAYOUT -- PAGE ELEMENTS.
Gadgets you've added are your Widgets. You have to click on EDIT under each widget (gadget), copy the code, and paste it into Notepad, or some other HTML text editor.
Don't worry about LABEL, ABOUT ME and ARCHIVES widget. They are default, and you can't copy them. You will not lose those...
Later, when you install a new template, just add the code you've saved through Add Gadget option, or in directly in HTML of your template (if necessary) ...
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